Physicality as a playground for the imagination
Miriam de Lange
Focusing attention on what you feel, observing it, and then visualizing it, can bring comfort, clarification, reconciliation, but also raises questions. The intuitive process of imagination makes you curious about what you are actually trying to capture.
The images raise questions about the individual versus the universal, the physical versus the spiritual, and the scientific versus the artistic. It is fascinating to explore the interaction between these seemingly opposing aspects. At the intersection of health and art, this can be done on both a substantive and intuitive level.
Conscious physicality as a playground for imagination, as a source of inspiration and insight. Art as a witness to the power of imagination, as a medium for making the invisible visible, as a means of starting discussions, and as a moment of connection.
Visual expression, creatively expressing what troubles you and what you struggle with, leads to personal growth and gives vitality. This is what I have experienced in the past years. As a result, a portfolio of personal work has arisen (see WHAT), some of which is now for sale (see WORK).
DWARS ontwerp
In collaboration with Mark Schulte I started in 2001 design studio DWARS ontwerp. Within this partnership I focus on developing communication concepts and designing and realizing exhibitions. I find it a challenge to analyse and distil stories and translate them into attractive graphic and spatial designs.
Highlighting a subject in a catching way in image, text, form and sensory experience. That is what fascinates me. Hands-on, exploring, drawing and tinkering play an important role in the creative process and prove to be valuable not only in design processes in professional practice, but also in personal growth processes.
DWARS ontwerp
Bethaniëndwarsstraat 6/B
1012 CB Amsterdam
t 020 – 6252915
e mail[at]dwarsontwerp.nl
coc 28069958
vat NL8088.77.653.B.01